Timmy Bucktoo
Aye there be few alive that can tells ya this tale.
I speaks of the Kraken - a creature from the depths unknown.
Isn’t a sea dog around who aint fearful of its wroth.
The kraken I tell’s ya - can kill ya with just ‘one look’!
Slithers aboard yus ship with outs no warning.
Takes a slimeful grip on any thing within’s its grasp.
You see it got ten arms - each of em, as strong as an ox.
They’s tentacles can squeeze ya ship to smithereens.
And an eye bigger than any porthole around.
But it has a stares that yus must be aware.
Ya see with just one glance, it’s can freeze ya dead.
Aye the Kraken knows when yus ship comes by, and waits for ya silently below.
They say a Kraken remembers its foes and won't lets go of a grudge.
And don’t care who eh takes - man - women’s - or child.
But I knows a ways to stop the beast from sending ya to a salty grave.
Ya see a Krakens most ghastly strength also be its weakest.
But yus must nevers tell a soul what I be sharin with ya, or the Kraken would gets fuming mad.
When the Kraken attacks, ya must act without’s hesitation.
Jumps to ya feet and meet’s him fair and squarely on the deck.
Holds ya nerve and don’t shows any’s fear.
But what evers ya do - don’t look him in the eye.
Its arms will be a whipin’ and a lashin’, and it be growlin’ and groanin’ like a beast from hell.
So listens real close and remembers real good
Ya must raise ya sword high and strike downs fast - on the tip’s of ee’s arm.
Chops it off ya does.
The Kraken will recoils and retreats to the deep.
And as long as yus keep the piece that yus sliced - the Kraken will stays away from ya ship.
I can speak of this truth cause I’s done’s it me-self.
So to the Kraken I say - the Kraken.